
Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal have weaknesses, according to former ATP legend Mats Wilaneder, but Novak Djokovic also have….

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal have weaknesses, according to former ATP legend Mats Wilaneder, but Novak Djokovic doesn’t.


The era of the Big Three is the greatest era of tennis simply because the players that marked it are so great. Each one of them has a case to be considered the greatest of all time, even though many would admit that Djokovic is likely ahead of both in that conversation.


It’s still a conversation, and everybody now has a favorite. Wilander, as a former player, could possibly make a case for all; however, he’s particularly impressed by Djokovic. In a recent talk with Eurosport, Wilander spoke about the Big Three and compared the legends.

It’s difficult because they’re so similar in many ways. According to the former Swedish player, Djokovid’s greatness was not in plain sight immediately as with the other two, but over the years, he showed it over and over again.

“With Novak, I think when he came on the circuit early on, we didn’t see his greatness because his greatness was more inside of him than on the outside. I think with Roger and Rafa, the greatness, you could see it. You could see it in the shot, in the technique.”

Another obvious thing for Wilander is that Djokovic doesn’t really have weaknesses. According to him, both Federer and Nadal have weaknesses, but he can’t see any when it comes to the Serbian, which has been often cited by many.


“What we didn’t realise is that there were no weaknesses anywhere in his game on any surface. I think it took a while for everybody to understand that he doesn’t have weaknesses. Federer has a weakness. Nadal has weaknesses. Djokovic doesn’t really have a weakness.”


At the end of the day, there is a reason why each one of them has millions of fans and followers, and their tennis may be one of the answers.


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