Reading fc

The Tilehurst End Miniseries: Iconic XIs #2

You’ve heard Ross’ favourite Reading XI, now it’s Ben’s turn.

Ben and Ross are still stuck down memory lane, continuing their series of iconic XIs. What defines a cult legend or favourite player, and what are the stories behind those connections?


Today, Ben and Ross switch seats and make Ben the guest of honour: allowing him to take us through his team involving a rapper, an academy mapper, and a whole host of attackers…


Thanks to our friends ZCZ Films for their sponsoring of the show!

The Tilehurst End Podcast can be enjoyed via PodBean, Spotify, Acast, YouTube or iTunes. A big thanks to all listeners who continue to pledge to our Patreon campaign.


Listeners can always get in touch with the podcast via our Twitter and Facebook pages as well as our email,, with thoughts on the show, opinions on the team, and potential topics to sink our teeth into always welcome.


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