JUST IN: Premier honours playoff bet, sends two bottles of whisky to…..

“I want to thank Danielle, and cheers to conservative leadership in both Alberta and in the state of Florida”

When the Edmonton Oilers lost the Stanley Cup Final to the Florida Panthers, they also cost Premier Danielle Smith two bottles of Canadian whisky.

In a video message on X, DeSantis praised the Panthers for bringing home their first Stanley Cup, and thanks Premier Smith for honouring their “friendly wager.”


The whisky was the ante for a friendly bet between Smith and DeSantis — whoever’s team loses the Stanley Cup Final would have to send a bottle of liquor to the winner.

We all know how that Final turned out — despite an inspirational showing by the Oilers, coming back from a 3-0 deficit to force a Game 7, the Panthers came away victorious.


“These look really, really good,” DeSantis said in his video message, holding a bottle of whisky in each hand. “They will be served at some of the functions at the Governor’s mansion in the months and weeks ahead. I want to thank Danielle, and cheers to conservative leadership in both Alberta and in the state of Florida.”

Earlier this month, Edmonton mayor Amarjeet Sohi donned a red Panthers jersey at city hall after losing a similar wager with Sunrise, Fla., Mayor Michael J. Ryan, who would have similarly had to wear an Edmonton jersey had the Oilers won.



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